How can parents encourage their children for learning new things?

Growth is the way of life, and without self-growth, navigating the deep waters of life can be an extremely confusing and discouraging journey to walk on, if not one that fails even before beginning. All children require competent guidance and encouragement from their parents in order to not only learn new things but also recognise their own potential and talents. The guidance and encouragement begin at an early age, especially when you are preparing your little one for nursery admission in Ahmedabad . Simple ways to encourage your child to learn new things 1. Believe in your child: Children take their cues from their parents and immediate environment when it comes to developing a self-image. It is therefore critical for parents to not only believe in their children but also to communicate this belief to them. Tell them that you believe in their talents and ability to do well academically and in whatever activity they choose to pursue. Doubt or uncertainty...