How can parents encourage their children for learning new things?
Growth is the way of life, and without self-growth, navigating the deep waters of life can be an extremely confusing and discouraging journey to walk on, if not one that fails even before beginning. All children require competent guidance and encouragement from their parents in order to not only learn new things but also recognise their own potential and talents. The guidance and encouragement begin at an early age, especially when you are preparing your little one for nursery admission in Ahmedabad.
ways to encourage your child to learn new things
1. Believe in your child: Children take their cues from their parents and immediate environment
when it comes to developing a self-image. It is therefore critical for parents
to not only believe in their children but also to communicate this belief to
them. Tell them that you believe in their talents and ability to do well
academically and in whatever activity they choose to pursue. Doubt or
uncertainty about your child’s abilities and potential will break down their
spirit and will to strive to discover and reach their potential.
2. Joint activities: Take time from your busy schedule to spend quality time with your child
where you do activities together like reading, singing, dancing, or playing fun
educational games. Having fun together builds a stronger bond and trust, which
helps strengthen their self-confidence. The strong bond will work as an impetus
for them to explore their talents and abilities.
3. Structure: Aside from teaching your child the importance of discipline, structure
and some amount of discipline are important for creating a secure environment
for the child. Fix their limited time for watching television, playing video
games, or spending time with their mobile phones. Make sure they spend adequate
time outdoors in fresh air, indulging in physical activities. Accompany them to
the park, on a walk, or simply play catch in the yard once their school work is
4. Conversations: Have conversations with your child from a very young age. Listening to
words and language helps establish their familiarity and comfort with the
language, which helps them learn faster. Conversations also help in
establishing a communication channel between you and your child, thereby
building a relationship your child can bank on and reach out to in times of
confusion, doubt, and stress. A healthy communication channel creates a safe
place for your child, which adds to the child’s self-esteem and inner sense of
5. Positive attitude: Children develop their life view by mimicking their parents and the
environment they grow up in, which creates their attitude towards themselves
and life. Have a positive and open-minded attitude towards life, school,
education, and learning. Take an active interest in their studies, activities
in school, and the relationships they form outside the home. This will make
them believe that education and learning are important for creating a
meaningful life. A positive attitude and regular conversations about life,
studies, etc. will also prepare them to handle failure better and strive harder
to achieve their goals.
6. Know your child: Every child is different and unique in their own way, and one size does
not necessarily fit all. Know your child’s learning style and levels of
understanding and guide them accordingly. A visual learner will learn faster
and with more ease with the help of pictures and videos; some children study
better with music playing in the background, while others understand and memorise
faster by writing down what they are learning, and so on. The best way to know
their style is by asking them or introducing them to multiple options and
letting them find out their style themselves. Self-discovery is very empowering
and will do wonders for their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Once you
know your child’s nature and learning style, design their lessons accordingly.
7. Your child is an individual. Parents often wrongly assume that making
comparisons and citing examples of other children will make their child work
harder or learn better. Well, this tactic does not work with most children and,
in fact, carries the risk of having the opposite effect, especially with the
children of the 21st century. Never make the mistake of drawing
comparisons or pitting one child against a classmate, friend, or relative’s
child. As Albert Einstein’s famous quote says, "Every child is a genius.
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole
life believing that it is stupid."
In conclusion, believing in your child, supporting them, and standing by them are the best ways to encourage them to have an open-minded approach towards learning and trying out new activities as soon as they take nursery admission in Ahmedabad.
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